Here Come the Girls – walk & run groups
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Welcome to ‘Here Come the Girls’ (HCTG’s)
Here Come the Girls (HCTG’s) is a volunteer led social running and walking group, designed to provide fun, friendly, supportive, and inclusive walking, and running opportunities for women locally.
We are all about community, friendships and wellbeing. Our HCTG’s groups are free, friendly and very supportive.
HCTG’s is led by a team of amazing volunteers, who have a passion for walking/running//jogging and its wide health benefits.
For questions, please email
To book, please visit: Here Come the Girls
Our Sessions (term-time):
Monday’s 9.30am @ Tonbridge Swimming Pool
Walk & Talk- With a strong focus on social and mental wellness, and enjoying the beautiful nature that surrounds us, this walk is for you if you generally walk at least twice per week and feel comfortable walking around 5km without stopping. – Walk Leaders: Linda & Sheila
Tuesday’s 9.30am @ Larkfield Leisure Centre
Run & Talk – Whether you have no running experience at all, have just begun your running journey, or returning to running, this new group starting in January 2025 is for you. Running really can be for everyone and brings so many positive benefits to your physical, mental, and social health – that it really can transform your life. Our structured 0-5k beginner group will get you outside in the fresh air, some well-deserved me-time and the opportunity to meet new like-minded people in a fun, friendly, welcoming and supported environment. Weekly attendance is encouraged – Run Leaders: Anna, Tacye & Sofie
Tuesday’s @ 9.30am @ Larkfield Leisure Centre
Walk & Talk – This motivating and supportive session is very much tailored for walkers who would like to increase their fitness levels, meet new people, and enjoy the positive health benefits exercising outside brings. We welcome walkers of all ages and abilities, who enjoy a paced walk, with lots of encouragement, fun and support – Walk Leaders: Anna, Tacye & Sofie
Wednesday’s 9.30am @ Tonbridge Swimming Pool
Run & Talk – Whether you have no running experience at all, have just begun your running journey, or returning to running., this new group starting in January 2025 is for you. Running really can be for everyone and brings so many positive benefits to your physical, mental, and social health – that it really can transform your life. Our structured 0-5k beginner group will get you outside in the fresh air, some well-deserved me-time, and the opportunity to meet new like-minded people in a fun, friendly, welcoming, and supported environment. Weekly attendance is encouraged – Run Leaders: Lisa & Sheila
Wednesday’s 9.30am @ Tonbridge Swimming Pool
Walk & Talk – This motivating and supportive session is very much tailored for new walkers, with a strong focus on social and mental wellness and enjoying the beautiful nature that surrounds us. If you’re a beginner walker, or if you’ve not taken part in physical activity for a while and want a gentle introduction, this is the group for you. There is no minimum standard or level of experience. – Walk Leader: Linda
Thursday’s 6pm @ Larkfield Leisure Centre
Run & Talk 5k – HCTG’s evening 5k run is a wonderful, social run for those who have some running experience. The 5k route takes approximately 45 minutes and is a great opportunity to meet new friends and increase fitness levels – Run Leader: Tacye
Meeting Points:
•Tonbridge: Inside the Cafe @ Tonbridge Swimming Pool (TN9 1HR)
•Larkfield: Left hand side of the car park (when facing the building) of Larkfield Leisure Centre (ME20 6RH)
Christmas Holidays 2024/2025
HCTG’s will finish for the Term on Monday 9th, Tuesday 10th, Wednesday 11th and Thursday 12th December, returning the week commencing Monday 13th January 2025.
HCTG’s organiser contact: