Every Body Moves and ParalympicsGB have teamed up with Channel 4 to encourage disabled people across the UK to take up a sport and become more active. Find opportunities to be active locally or at home.
Let's get started!
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Inspiring stories
Christine and Tracy’s Walking Netball Story
Hear how Walking Netball has helped Christine and Tracy with their physical, mental and social wellbeing.
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Dee, Jagdeev and Vicky’s Story: Being Active Together
Hear how group exercise sessions at The Grand are improving the physical and mental wellbeing of the local community.
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Latest from our blog
Mental health matters – changing the conversation around getting active
It’s easy to say ‘becoming physically active will help your mental health and wellbeing’. What if just getting out of bed and motivating yourself to do anything is a struggle?...
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Are you sitting too much?
Most of us know that being active is good for our health. But more evidence is emerging that even if you exercise regularly, spending a lot of time sitting down...
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